The Midwestern Belle

Southern Living with a midwestern heart

I Love to Help People live their best life.

Your WNC Generalista

Learn to use your sewing machine.

Do you live in the Asheville Area? Would you like to learn how to use a sewing machine? Whether it’s a new machine or a vintage machine that’s been in your family for years. I can teach you how to use it. Click the button below to find out how to schedule a lesson. 

From the Midwest to the South 🌿

Bringing you all of the
family fun, healthy recipes, and creative DIY crafts you need for a sweet life.
Let's party!


From growing, to cooking, to eating, food is central to a healthy happy life. Find recipes, gardening tips, and reviews of restaurants in the Asheville area.


As a mother, a wife, a sister, and an auntie. Family is a huge part of my life. I will fill you in on all sorts of family friendly adventures around WNC.


My dad always says " The good lord but us on this earth to have a good time" JWP. So that's what we are going to do! I've got a party ideas, craft projects, and much more! Be sure to check it out.


My Happy Clients!

Aliquip quae scipit eros. Anim commodi maiores pharetra, arcu incidunt, omnis iste incidunt cursus. Officia ea numquam vivamus repellen. Minus fermentum litora.
Deborah Sims

Area of Expertise!

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Vitae molestie metus elementum ornare mauris. Occaecat, atque veniam dictum excepteur.

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I've Worked with from Big Agencies to New Bloggers.

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I Can Help You Take Your next Step Regardless of Size.

Molestiae purus facilisi nonummy soluta nisi odit, ac taciti voluptatibus, eveniet veritatis cubilia magna. Imperdiet.
Contact Me

Consultations Are Free!

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